Legislative OD of the Year

2023 Legislative OD of the Year - Crystal Mosteller, OD



“Dr. Crystal Mosteller is everything an Association Director could ask for in a Legislative activist.  She is a Key person for several legislators and has personal contact with all of them.  She uses her time volunteering with the local chamber and other groups to advocate for OAOP issues within and takes every opportunity to get face time with elected officials. I can’t think of a more deserving OAOP member for the 2023 Legislative OD of the Year.”

Joel Robison, OAOP Executive Director 

Past Honorees 

2022- Denise Roddy

2021- n/a

2020- n/a

2019- Carl Newton & David Cockrell

2018- Jari Frazier

2017- Carl Newton

2016- Max Carlisle

2015- Don Hewett

2014- Travis Yadon

2013- Joseph Phillips

2012- Kathleen Elliott & Lynsey Bigheart

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