Oklahoma is a national leader in scope of practice.
The OAOP has been an effective voice for optometry and good vision health for over 100 years. As a result, Oklahoma has some of the strongest patient protections and quality-of-care benchmarks in the nation, while our doctors enjoy an unequaled scope of practice.
Whether we are building support for good policy at the State Capitol or taking our case directly to the press and public, the OAOP has a track record of success that benefits our members and their patients.
We are proud to be responsive to the needs of our members. Whatever the issue, we are unified, organized, and results-driven.
The Key Person Dashboard (KPD) is OAOP's all-new legislative communication system. This tool allows us to distribute action alerts efficiently and connect our doctors to their legislators.
If you have questions about the Key Person Dashboard call 405.524.1075.